Our virtual 2021 district conference is now in the record books, and it was a success! Congratulations to Rebekah Maxwell and her committee for a great job offering interesting and informative sessions that were respectful of everyone’s time. Thursday and Friday’s sessions were scheduled around the lunch hour, and we finished with a very successful in person service project on Saturday by packing meals with Rise Against Hunger - our first in person district event in over a year! It was so nice to see each other and reconnect.
Another success for the district this year is the formation of the 5910 E-club! We hope to have enough members to charter it before the end of this Rotary year. Click here for a promotional video about the club: District 5910 YouTube Channel. See Julie Martineau or Ruth Finkelstein Suhler’s article in this newsletter.
Did you know that we have our own YouTube channel?? That’s pretty exciting! While you’re there on our YouTube channel learning about the new E-club, check out the virtual choir productions that we did over the past year. The selections include our inaugural performance of “Let There Be Peace on Earth” for the 2020 district conference, holiday songs for the district holiday party, and a fun song for Valentine’s day that will make you want to tap your foot.
Remember that we have another polio challenge campaign in effect that will match all polio eradication donations received by June 30.
Kudos to the clubs that are encouraging their community’s vaccination efforts. It will take us all doing our part to end this pandemic.
As more and more people are vaccinated and the coronavirus case numbers go down, I hope to do some in person visits to clubs within about an hour’s drive of Beaumont or Conroe. Presidents, please let your AG know your current meeting plans so that I can see what might work. If I do visit your club in person, I won’t need to give a speech or be the official program. I would just like to have the opportunity to visit with you to thank you for adapting this year and finding ways to make a positive difference in your communities in spite of the limitations.
Here’s to a strong finish to a very unusual Rotary year,
Rotary Peace Center to be Established in the Middle East or North Africa
A new Rotary Peace Center will be established to offer a professional development certificate program focused on peacebuilding and development issues in the region. An amazingly generous gift from the Otto and Fran Walter Foundation, based in Boothbay Harbor, Maine will fund the center’s startup costs and operating expenses, as well as an endowment that will provide peace fellowships in perpetuity for up to 40 students to study there each year.
The deadline for submitting District Grant Final Report is TODAY, May 1, 2021. You may use either the pdf or Word version available on the District website.(website tab "Service" and "District Grants" on drop-down menu.) Please remember to attach copies of supporting documentation including receipts, invoices, bank statements or canceled checks (remember to redact bank account numbers), and photographs showing “Rotarians At Work” on your project. If you haven't yet done so, scan and email your report and supporting documentation to Bobby Chapman < bobbychapman.5910@gmail.com > by May 1.
Calling all Club Leaders!! District Training Assembly continues!!! All club leaders are invited to learn more about their respective roles. Below you will find the schedule of the remaining Training Assembly dates and registration links. All will be held virtually.
Last Rotary year, District 5910 Rotarians responded to a PolioPlus Challenge Match with District Cash Giving of $242,149.00 for the year. Combined with $28,186.00 in DDF contributions, (matched 1:1 by The Rotary Foundation World Fund), the district generated $298,521.00 in total cash giving. For the second year in a row, D5910 was the #1 PolioPlus giving district in Zone 25B. When the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation matched these contributions 2:1, it resulted in total funding of $895,563.00 for Polio Eradication as a direct result of D5910 efforts.
This year, two district members who have again offered a PolioPlus Challenge Match. For any PolioPlus contributions submitted between February 15 and June 1, 2021, the two donors will make a 1.5 to 1.0 match on the first $50,000 in new contributions.
New D5910 Contributions submitted by June 1, 2021
$ 50,000
D5910 Donor #1 - 100% Match (1 to 1)
on first $ 50,000 in NEW Contributions
$ 50,000
D5910 Donor #2 - 50% Match (1/2 to 1)
on first $ 50,000 in NEW Contributions
$ 25,000
Total from NEW Contributions from
D5910 PLUS Challenge Match
Bill Melinda Gates Foundation - 2 to 1 (200%)
Match on ALL Contributions
Total Funds for Polio Eradication
($375,000 / $50,000 = 7.5 to 1.0 Match)
Thru February 15, 2021, District 5910 members had already donated over $118,000 to PolioPlus. With new contributions earning the full $75,000 match, plus DDF, World Fund Match and the Gates Match, District 5910 can provide at least $893,563 in funding for Polio Eradication this year. LET’S DO IT!
Thank You to the following District 5910 Clubs who have entered at least some, if not all of their goals for the 2021-2022 Rotary Year. Congratulations to Cleveland, Galveston, League City, Hardin County, The Woodlands, and Woodville.
Instructions for Entering Goals
Make sure all of the 2021-2022 Officers are entered into the Club Central Data base.
Go to www.rotary.org , then select My Rotary on the top menu bar, and create your own password and sign-in. You will then receive an e-mail from RI to activate your account before you can reach step #3.
Your My Rotary page will open up, then scroll down the left hand menu column in the section named My Club Snapshot.
At the bottom of this section, you will see in blue, View Club Goals
You should now have reached the Rotary Club Central main page!! The Dashboard will show your Club’s trends for the last 5 years.
Click on Goal Center. In the far lefthand column. This is where you would enter and keep track of your goals for your 2021-2022 year.
VERY IMPORTANT- Be sure you are working in the Correct Year.
Click EDIT Button to make the changes.. BE SURE and SAVE afterwards.
There are FIVE SECTIONS of Goals
Members and Engagement
Rotary Foundation Giving
Young Leaders
Public Image
Citation for Rotary Clubs
Your Rotary club can earn a Rotary Citation for achieving goals that strengthen Rotary and your club. Goals include increasing club membership, developing sustainable service projects, giving to The Rotary Foundation, and building awareness of Rotary in your community.
Citation goals can be found in Rotary Club Central. To achieve the Rotary Citation, review the 25 available goals, select at least 13, achieve those goals, then report your achievement in Rotary Club Central.
Rotary Leadership Institute Going Strong in District 5910
Congratulations are in order for the recent graduates of Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) Part I and Part II offered via Zoom over the last month.
Completing RLI I was Leon Willhite from the Rotary Club of Palestine, Meg Brown from the Rotary Club of Bridge City-Orangefield, Teresa Vencil from the Rotary Club of League City and Elizabeth Smith from the Rotary Club of Friendswood.
Completing RLI II immediately following RLI I was Elizabeth Smith, Teresa Vencil and Jane McFaddin with the Rotary Club of League City, Ruth Shuler with the Rotary Club of Galveston, Janet Ricketts from the Rotary Club of Conroe and Deborah Drago with the Rotary Club of Beaumont.
Betsy Robinson with the Rotary Club of League City and David Thompson with the Rotary Club of Huntsville completed RLI I in the fall of 2020.
In October, three District 5910 members Graduated having completed sessions one, two and three. Cindy Cherry from the Rotary Club of Beaumont, Sally and Tim Andrews from the Rotary Club of Vidor and Rebekah Maxwell from the Rotary Club of Beaumont. All are planning on taking the facilitator training starting in June.
Already trained as facilitators in the District are Jerry Springfield from the Rotary Club of Woodville, Demetress Harrell from the Rotary Club of Angelina and Amy Killgore and Ava Sloan from the Rotary Club of League City.
The Rotary Leadership Institute is a development program using facilitation in small groups to engage Rotarians and strengthen clubs through quality leadership education.
RLI’s Part 1 is a great start for new Rotarians, as well as a good summary for experienced ones. It would be great if everyone “new” to Rotary attend at least Part 1.
Parts 2 and 3 build on the foundation – completing all three parts is a great idea for incoming club presidents and board members. It builds action and sustainability in your local club!
District 5910 has recently signed up to be an official RLI partner. Since last March the sessions have all been conducted via zoom and have been hosted by the Lone Star Division. Be on the lookout for classes starting soon in our District. For more information please call, text or email Ava Sloan 832-315-0502 or ava@rodinconsulting.com.
Governors, past district governors, district leadership and chairmen, and all interested Rotarians are invited to attend the Zone Institute in Houston. These annual institutes are like mini international conventions, offering opportunities to hear from Rotary thought leaders from around the world and find out what’s going on in Rotary beyond our district.
RYLA 2022 is scheduled for January 7-9, 2022 at Pineywoods Camp in Woodlake, TX. This year, it will be open to juniors and seniors. Clubs may send juniors, seniors, or a combination of the 2 classes. Further information will be sent out to clubs in July.
If you have questions, please contact either Michael Perez, RYLA District Chair or Birda Gaskin, Registrar.
The Rotary District 5910 Annual Conference was help Thursday, April 22nd through Saturday, April 24th, 2021. The second virtual conference the District experienced, we are happy to report that 194 Rotarians and Rotaractors attended the all-club meeting to kick off the Conference. At least thirteen clubs decided to host their weekly club meeting in conjunction with the kick-off event as guest speaker, Sylvia Whitlock, shared her story of becoming the first female president of a Rotary Club. Global Grant Scholar, Sakurah Fisher, joined the Zoom session from Japan, making it a truly international experience. On Thursday, we also heard from Rhonda Kennedy about the opportunities for Rotarians to volunteer at the 2022 Rotary International Convention in Houston, Texas.
A roomful of Texas City Rotarians attend District Conference together as a Club meeting.
Thursday also focused on opportunities for clubs in the District, highlighting Global Grants and the work that can be accomplished. Real Provencher provided a video update of the Global Grant project being completed with the Magnolia Rotary Club; followed by a questions and answers session with Past District Governor Chuck Mason. Interested Rotarians are encouraged to visit the District YouTube Channel for a longer video highlighting the Rotary International Foundation and the projects that are made possible through Global Grants and other resources. The session ended with Celebration of Life as Jayne McCurry honored Rotarians who passed away in the last year.
On Friday, April 23rd, attendees were introduced to a collaborative project bringing the first E-club to District 5910! An E-club offers an alternative to in-person meetings to engage individuals who would find this flexible option attractive. To find out more about this club option, please check out the District website. Friday’s keynote speaker was Ann Lee Hussey, a Rotarian, polio survivor and advocate, as she shared her person experience in battling polio as a child and now the work she leads as the Executive Director of the Polio Survivors Rotarian Action Group. David Yeakey, District Rotaract Representative, was also in attendance and introduced Ms. Hussey for the program.
Friday’s session celebrated Rotarians through the District as Tim Sudela presented the District Roll of Fame awards, coordinated by Bill Leigh. Congratulations to all of the District Roll of Fame honorees for 2021! District Governor Elect, Jerry Springfield, and District Governor Nominee, Demetress Harrel, gave updates on upcoming conference for 2022 and 2023, respectively. District Governor Becky Mason closed the virtual session reminding us all of how proud Rotarians in District 5910 can be for their achievements and work through such a turbulent year. Friday ended with a beautiful recording of “Let There Be Peace on Earth” which can also be viewed on the District’s YouTube Channel.
An in-person, service project with Rise Against Hunger served as a closing to the Rotary District 5910 Conference for 2021. Over thirty Rotarians gathers on Saturday, April 24th, to pack 9,500 meals during a two-hour period. This fun, face paced project provided a wonderful opportunity for fellowship at Cleveland Middle School. We want to thank the Beaumont Rotary Foundation, Chuck and Becky Mason, and Cleveland ISD for providing the funding and location to make this a reality.
District Governor Becky Mason happily sounds the gong!
Rotarians enjoyed fun and fellowship while working hard to assemble meals.
President Cindy Cherry signed a BIG check to make the commitment official - the Rotary Club of Beaumont is collaborating with Lamar University to be an official sponsor of a Cardinal N.E.S.T. at Martin Elementary. The Club is excited to bring this custom made innovative learning lab to the Martin campus! It will be several months of fundraising, painting, and preparation before an anticipated ribbon-cutting in September 2021, but Beaumont Rotarians are excited to bring this great learning center to the elementary for which the Club serves as a BISD Business Partner.
AJ Renold, Bryan Rotarian and Executive Director of the Heart of Texas Chapter of the American Red Cross, continues to lead the Brazos County’s volunteer efforts in support of the Brazos Center COVID Vaccine Hub. AJ is President-Elect and will serve as Club President 2021-2022.
The Rotary Club of Conroe in partnership with The Rotary Club of Lake Conroe worked to put together 100 care boxes for the staff at HCA Healthcare Conroe hospital. The clubs had a fun evening work event to decorate and assemble the boxes on April 8. Then the next morning, Kris Nordstrom McBride and Doris and Wally Lockey delivered the 100 boxes to the hospital where there were many smiles and a few tears as the club worked to support these very important healthcare workers.
Rotary Club of East Montgomery County (RCEMC) members got some valuable financial planning information from fellow Rotarian Felicia Cumby at their April 6 meeting. Felicia is an Edwards Jones Financial Advisor and gave some smart advice to fellow members.
The Edward Jones’ advisor stressed the importance of three things in financial planning: 1) time in market; 2) diversification; and 3) a solid plan. Ms. Cumby also spoke about rebalancing, small and mid-cap markets, and the President Biden’s American Jobs Plan. Discussion was also held about capital appreciation and cryptocurrency.
RCEMC showed their appreciation for Ms. Cumby speaking by donating a children’s book to a Splendora ISD elementary school.
Members of The Rotary Club of Galveston again took part in this year's annual Spring Adopt-A-Beach Cleanup on April 17. Participants included (from left, front row) Pip Caballero, grandson of Mike Guarino; and Rotarians Gigi Heffernan, Brett Kirkpatrick, Linda Ott-Thompson, and Club Executive Secretary, Ulli Budelmann. From left - back row, are Club President, Mike Guarino; along with Rotarians Don Davison, Bill Leopold, Project Chair; Ruth Suhler, and Bill Clement. (Photo by Robyn Bushong.)
Hardin County Rotary Club had two large service projects in April.
The Club organized a Village Creek Cleanup and the Club, along with Interact members from Lumberton High School and Silsbee High School, picked up trash while paddling on canoes and kayaks. This event was a great time to get to know our Interact club members better, as well as serve the community.
The Club also had a full month pantry drive for Hardin County Victims Assistance, which helps victims of crime in Hardin County. Several Club members volunteered their offices as drop off locations for the donations. In May, we will gather donations together and deliver them.
ETX Lufkin Rotary Satellite Club met Tuesday, April 20th at Buffalo Wild Wings for a club social and a planning session for their latest service project. The Satellite Club will collaborate with Lufkin Community Partners to provide a Graduation Shower for 7 graduating seniors. These seniors have lived their lives in foster care having never been adopted. The shower provides small gifts as the seniors prepare to enter college, enlist in the military or begin employment. The Lufkin Rotary Club has joined in support of this service project.
Did you know the Rotary Club of Nacogdoches is celebrating the Centennial of the Club's founding? If you would like to view the video produced by Rotarian Larry Stanaland commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Nacogdoches, it is available for viewing on the Club's website. Go to nacogdochesrotary.org and click on the video.
Rotary Club of Orange capped April with a delightful fundraiser for scholarships, Sip and Shop. In cooperation with Mathews Jewelers of Orange, the Rotary Club held an event at the vineyard setting of Free States Cellars. Attendees enjoyed a complimentary glass of wine, thanks to Mathews Jewelers and Best Care Hospice, and had the opportunity to shop for jewelry and purchase raffle tickets for an array of prizes. Rotarians donated prizes for the raffles and for door prizes. Mathews Jewelers donated a portion of their sales. Amy Peevey did a great job organizing the event, and an active corps of members volunteered to help. Proceeds go to the Rotary Club’s scholarships for graduating high school seniors.
In April Orange Rotary had interesting meetings with speakers Shane Johns of Mann Insurance. on the Flood Insurance Program, Christopher Brittain, the plant manager at Invista, and Chris Kovatch, Orange Chamber of Commerce President.
Spindletop Rotary Club assisted the non-profit organization Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) during a Build Day on Saturday, April 10. The goal of SLP-Beaumont is to get kids off the floor in Southeast Texas. Rotarians were on hand to cut, sand, drill and prepare components for twin sized beds, which are then delivered and assembled for children in our community. After receiving a District Grant from Rotary District 5910, those funds were matched with local club funds to purchase materials to be used during the Build Day. Last year Spindletop Rotary donated $6,000 to SLP; the contribution this year of over $5,000 brings the total to over $11,000 in materials, along with volunteer labor to help build beds. To see photos from the event, please visit https://www.facebook.com/SpindletopRotaryClub. Big thanks to KFDM’s Tiffany Murphy who mentioned the event on her Good News segment (https://bit.ly/3eGHjOj), as well as the Examiner newspaper.
The Rotary Club of Texas City is moving forward with the largest fundraiser they have despite having to move the date due to COVID. It is on and the Parade too. If you would like to participate with any of the events for May 22, 2021 you can go to www.mainlandmardigras.com. There you will be able to sign up to be a sponsor for the Mardi Gras Ball, purchase an individual ticket or enter a vehicle/float in the parade. The Parade kicks off at noon at the corner of Palmer Hwy. and 29th Street. The Mardi Gras Ball begins at 7:00 p.m. with music by the Mambo Jazz Kings, Dinner by Benno’s and Open Bar. There will be Live and Silent Auctions. You won’t want to miss the fun!!! There is also a Raffle with a chance to win three different prizes. You can contact Dawn Tholcken to purchase a ticket and note there will only be 300 sold!!
Vidor Rotary Club and Vidor High School Interact, along with the Vidor Chamber of Commerce, hosted a food drive for the United Christian Care Center of Vidor. About $800 and around 1000 pounds of food were collected for the center, which has been feeding record numbers of families over the past months.
Pictured are Past President Gayle Nagai, President Derrick Barber, and Assistant Governor and Past President Tim Andrews.