What CAN we do to grow Rotary in the midst of a pandemic?
First, look around your club meetings, whether they’re in-person, virtual, or hybrid, and think about who is not there? Are there members who aren’t attending? Let’s start with those people – why not give them a call and see how they’re doing? Check in to make sure they’re ok and if they could use a little encouragement. Growing Rotary needs to start with making sure we keep our current members engaged.
Then think of your friends, coworkers, and family members who have a heart for service and would enjoy the fellowship, friendship, and service opportunities that Rotary offers. Invite them to join you for a meeting. Remember that virtual and hybrid meetings open opportunities for people to join who may not be in a position to leave work for an in-person meeting but might be able to participate in a virtual meeting.
In addition to keeping and adding members to our existing clubs, the district has an active membership extension committee this year. Julie Martineau is chairing a group of Rotarians who are exploring options for starting an E-club. If that interests you and you’d like to be a part of that discussion, email Julie (jmartineau@mccfoundation.org) and let her know.
We will also be exploring other types of new club models including special interest clubs (environmental issues, veterans clubs, family clubs, and a host of other models) so stay tuned to learn more about how we plan to grow Rotary in 5910.
Since it seems that masks may be with us for awhile, you might be looking for something different.
Pixie Jones, an honorary Rotarian and wife of Lake Conroe Rotary past president Craig Jones, is making these Rotary masks. She is selling them for $20 each, with $5 of each sale being donated to the Rotary Foundation.
You can feel good about protecting the people around you, helping to slow the spread of the virus, and supporting the work of our Foundation all at the same time!
The deadline for submitting a district grant request is September 1.
Don't miss out on this opportunity for your club to provide a needed service or expand the project's reach with the financial assistance of matching funding provided by a District Grant. Complete an application now!
District 5910 Rotary Ambassadorial Global Grant Scholarships will be used to fund one year of post-baccalaureate study at a recognized university in a non-U.S. country in a study discipline that supports the Object of Rotary and the Mission of The Rotary Foundation (see www.rotary.org).
Some of you will remember our Exchange Student and now “Rotex” Daniela Alvarado from The Woodlands. In 2012-13 Dani spent a year in Belgium. After her return and being fluent now also in French (in addition to Spanish and English), Dani attended the University of Texas at Austin. She graduated as a Registered Nurse (RN) and then, together with two RN friends, worked in the Emergency Room at the South Austin Medical Center.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the US, Dani and her two friends decided to do more and “serve above self”. On March 29, Dani posted:
To our SAMC ER family, we have decided on taking a crisis response assignment in New Jersey. Unfortunately this all happened within 3 days and we didn’t get to say goodbye to most of you ……… Hope to see you all again soon …….. Stay strong and safe. Prayers and good vibes appreciated while we fight the ”rona” up North!!
On June 14, Robert Hall, Vice-Chair of Rotary International’s End Polio Now committee, announced at our virtual district conference, that two members of 5910 had issued a PolioPlus Challenge. The two offered to match 1.5 to 1 for every dollar (up to $50,000.00) that D5910 members donated to PolioPlus during June 2020.
Prior to that Challenge, 5910 Rotarians had donated $111,133.00 to PolioPlus during 2019-20. FINAL 2019-20 PolioPlus contributions from 5910 were $242,149.00 for the year (including $75,000.00 in matching funds). Because of the challenge match, plus the 2 to 1 match by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, every $1.00 contributed during the challenge resulted in almost $7.50 going to the Rotary Foundation PolioPlus fund.
5910 Cash Contributions for 2019-20 (including 5910 match)
Plus the Gates Foundation 2 to 1 Match
Total from 5910 Cash + Match + Gates Match
Our District also contributed DDF for the year in the amount of
$ 28,186.00
Rotary Foundation World Fund 1 to 1 Match
$ 28,186.00
$ 56,372.00
Matched 2:1 by the Gates Foundation (56,372.00 x 2)
Total Funds from DDF + Matches
District 5910 Total Effective Contribution + DDF + Matches
Because of the outstanding generosity of 5910 Members, District 5910 was the leading PolioPlus district in Zone 25B for the second straight year.
Additionally, because of the generosity of members of 5910 and many other Rotarians around the world, Rotary raised over $50 Million for Polio eradication, earning the $100 Million Gates Match.
On behalf of the children of the world, CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done!
Despite the turmoil in the world now, the Angelina Rotary Club has continued to meet regularly and be a light for our members & community. As things change week by week, we have been flexible and adapted our meetings to follow local ordinances. We have had a few in-person meetings where we were able to socially distance while still being together. We’ve also created hybrid meetings where members can join the in-person meeting via Zoom, and we’ve had lots of online meetings. We are making the best of the current situation to still be “together” and maintain the Rotary spirit.
The Rotary Club of East Montgomery County recently presented 10 scholarships to graduating seniors attending college in the Fall. Scholarships of $1000 were presented to students from our 5 area high schools: Caney Creek High School (2), Infinity Early College High School (2), New Caney High School (3), Porter High School (1), and Splendora High School (2). We are very proud of our scholarship recipients! RCEMC members were able to raise funds to support our scholarships through our annual community spelling bee held in March and our annual golf tournament held in June.
During a recent Zoom meeting of the Rotary Club of Galveston, 2019-2020 Club President Jim Byrom announced the names of several members who were recipients of special awards and recognition for outstanding service to the club during the 2019-2020 Rotary year.
Pictured next to the Club's Heart of Rotary Monument award at City Hall is Cissy Matthews, recipient of the club's 2020 Club Service Award, and presented by Immediate Past President, Jim Byrom. (Photo by Robyn Bushong)
For the first time in its 98 year history – Rotary conducted their annual installation of the new president, officers and board of directors, using Zoom, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While a few members were able to attend the event, wearing mask and observing social distancing, others elected to stay home and participate by Zoom.
The Rotary Club of Huntsville installed the 2020-21 Officers and Board of Directors on July 1 at Elkins Lake Club: President, Todd Armstrong; President-Elect, John Hendricks; Vice President, David Thompson; Secretary, Michelle Lyons; Treasurer, Marjolein Lemmon; Past President, Li-Jen Lester; Directors: Bill Green, Nelson Amaya, Daniel Bayes, Carol Mattingly, Joe Agins (Sgt. At Arms).
Continue . . .
In this photo new President Todd Armstrong – Shares New Theme for 2020-21 – Rotary Opens Opportunities
Club President Mike Umbenhauer brought bittersweet news to the Rotary Club of Orange. President Umbenhauer, who currently serves as pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Orange, has received a call to serve a church in California. The last Tuesday of July was his final meeting with Orange Rotary. The Club is grateful for Mike’s years of service and leadership with the Club and with the Orange community and sends good wishes as he makes a transition to his new church, community, and, we hope, new Rotary club in California. The Board of Directors elected Natasha Garrett to serve as President for the remainder of the term. Natasha brings experience and great leadership to the position, and the Orange Club is grateful that she will accept the gavel again.
Orange Rotary continues to meet by Zoom. July brought great programs from Larry Spears, mayor of Orange; Janell Dischler, director of Orange County Transportation; and Sade Chick, on Southeast Texas Cash Mob.
Spindletop Rotary Club of Beaumont recently inducted Chris Lanier as president for 2020-21 at the annual installation banquet, this year via Zoom, receiving the gavel from outgoing president, Rene Latiolais.
“I’m excited to be taking on the role of club president for the Spindletop Rotary Club,” said Lanier. “I’m hoping to keep up the momentum started by all of my predecessors, increase membership, and find some ways to engage all members in some form or fashion. We are all called to serve, and the Spindletop Rotary Club is ready to answer that call.”
Interact is and will continue to participate in Zoom trainings and you may attend any/all/as many as you want! I will send a link closer to the training times, but far enough out so you can let your students have the link and encourage them to join in.
Aaaaand it's up! Interact District 5910 now has a Facebook page! Please feel free to post ideas, discuss issues that need to be solved, and work together to make your Interact clubs more effective, dynamic, and positive.
Go like/follow the page. It's good for students to like it as well. This is for all of us to showcase our successes, discuss our needs, and promote positivity and service.