Rotaract-Young People Making a Difference

Rotaract is an international program for adults ages 18 to 30 who want to make a difference. Rotaract clubs hold meetings, usually every two weeks, which feature speakers, discussions, and visits to other clubs. Rotaractors also get together for service projects, social activities, and leadership development. Rotaract clubs can be college based or community based.
Rotaract Clubs are part of the Family of Rotary. District 5910 currently has nine active Rotaract Clubs:
Aggie Rotaract (College Station)
Angelina Rotaract (Lufkin)
Beaumont Rotaract (Beaumont)
Galveston Community Rotaract Club (Galveston)
Lamar Rotaract (Beaumont)
Sam Houston State University (Huntsville)
Rotaract Club of Lone Star College-Montgomery (Conroe)
Stephen F. Austin State University Rotaract Club (Nacogdoches)
Vidor Community (Vidor)
- Rotaract Member Age Requirements (18-30).
- Dues-Set by each club (used for administrative expenses only, not projects). Clubs do not pay dues to RI.
- Officers serve 1 year term, July-June (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Plus Directors). Officer elections shall be held annually prior to March 1.
- Bi-monthly meetings with 60% attendance required to remain active. Board of Directors Meets monthly.
- 2 Major Service Projects annually, one community focused and another promoting international understanding.
For questions about existing Rotaract clubs or if you are interested in developing a new club, contact the 5910 District Chair for Rotaract, Ron Saikowski (Conroe Rotary Club),
Update your Rotaract Contact Information annually. Rotaract contact info update
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