On October 14, the College Station Rotary partnered with Texas Ramps and built a ramp for an individual in Franklin, TX that needed to be able to get out of her home to go to and from kidney dialysis.
On October 14, the College Station Rotary partnered with Texas Ramps and built a ramp for an individual in Franklin, TX that needed to be able to get out of her home to go to and from kidney dialysis. While it was a short ramp, it took some engineering to affix it to the existing sidewalk and a sloping lawn. But with the excellent help of Roy Harington’s team at Texas Ramps, 4 Rotarians, and a CSISD national honor student and his father, we met the challenge. One of the greatest rewards is often to see the individual actually use the ramp but in this case, the person being served is bed bound and could only thank us profusely for giving her a degree of mobility. This is first of several to be done this Rotary year.