5910 Rotarian,

During the last quarter of this truly unusual Rotary year, we are looking forward with hope to the time that we will be able to meet in person, shake hands, hug our friends, and enjoy face to face interactions once again. However, many of our activities will finish this year in a virtual format until health officials deem it safe to return to normal:

  • District Training Assembly including club officer training – April 10, 2021 at 9:00 am – will be virtual.
  • District Conference - April 22, 23, and 24 – hybrid: combination of both in person activities and virtual activities.
  • All Club Meeting: To kick off this unique district conference, all clubs are encouraged to move their regular weekly meeting to Thursday, April 22 at 11:30, join the district Zoom meeting, and participate in an All Club Meeting with Sylvia Whitlock, the history-making first female Rotarian, as the speaker. Please let me know (BeckyLMason@mac.com) as soon as possible if your club will participate in our first ever All Club Meeting.
  • Rotary International Convention - June 12 – 16, 2021 - virtual
o Registration: The Virtual Convention will be open to all Rotarians. Event registration will open in mid-April and will include a promotional fee of $49 for 21 days, with an increase afterward to $65.
o The Rotaract, Youth Exchange Officer and Inter-Country Committee pre-conventions will be held June 10 - 11, 2021. The cost of each preconvention event is $20. Both the convention and preconvention events include access to the House of Friendship.
o For more details and updates: https://convention.rotary.org/en

  • With only three months left in the 2020-21 Rotary year, let’s finish strong.



With only three months left in the 2020-21 Rotary year, let’s finish strong.

o What projects has your club successfully completed this year in spite of the challenges?

o What do you still have planned to accomplish before the end of June?

o Discuss with your club how you want to remember this challenging year. You still have time to make an impact with service in your community. It will be a source of pride in the future to know that in spite of a global pandemic, Rotary continues to stand for service above self, dedication to the community, and continually finding ways to make our world a better place.

To end with the wise words of Queen Elizabeth (which I have taken the liberty of adapting for Rotary): “I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge, and those who come after us will say that the Britons (Rotarians) of this generation were as strong as any. That the attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-humored resolve and of fellow-feeling (the 4 way test) still characterize this country (this organization).”

In Rotary service,
Becky Mason
2020-21 District Governor